Welcome to our photography blog. This is where we post previews of sessions and random tidbits from my life. Visit for more information. Feel free to leave comments- It's always good to hear from readers, old and new!

Tuesday, August 12


So I know, I've been slacking off as far as the posting goes- but I'll make it up to you guys! I have two photo shoots scheduled for tomorrow and several others lined up that I'm really looking forward to.

As I was looking through my "random" folder for images to include in this blog, I found some photos that I took this past school year for a photography class! All of these were taken with ~gasp!~ film! Well, one is with a pinhole camera actually.
This first one is my favorite: the colors and subject remind me of something that would be printed huge and put up on a funky store wall or something.

So I know this one isn't perfect- but that's what I like about it. The film was really thin which gives it this ghost like appearance. It reminds me of a Julia Margaret Cameron photo. (Google her, her photos were awesome.)I have a collection of clear bottles- and they make great photo subjects! The Coca Cola bottle is from Samoa which is why it's so big.And this is me! This was taken with a pinhole camera which is why it's so crude. I scanned it into the computer and then inverted the image so it's not negative anymore.

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