Welcome to our photography blog. This is where we post previews of sessions and random tidbits from my life. Visit for more information. Feel free to leave comments- It's always good to hear from readers, old and new!

Wednesday, December 23

Merry Christmas

Well the cake is not baked. The dog is not walked, a second time at least. The lights have not been strung, and the presents have yet to be wrapped.

OH WELL! We're having way more fun listening to Christmas music, snuggling with Alice, and taking photos anyways.

I hope everyone has a safe and Happy Christmas!

. . . Alice looks like she's asking if we've been naughty or nice. She definitely falls into the naughty list! (good thing she's cute)


Saturday, December 12


Christmas is coming up! I love the feeling in the air during the holidays. Everyone is in a great mood, it's hectic and fun, and nobody is thinking about themselves. Although, I will say I could do without the -26 degree weather. Jumping into Flathead lake sounds a lot better than trudging to my car right now, but hey, what can you do?
