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Monday, August 3

The Dailey Family

This is our third family session that we've done in the past few weeks. I love getting a glimpse of the "dynamic" of each family: the roles that everyone has, and how the family members and siblings get along. Love it! This family was no exception. The two kids- Brooke & Drew- are some of the cutest I've seen, and were so cute. We'd turn around and Brooke would be giving her brother a sweet hug or kiss on the cheek.

Dailey 014

Dailey 010_2

Dailey 017

Dailey 023

Dailey 044
Joan & Scott's story is an awesome one. Joan is a teacher, and she met Scott's mother (who is also a teacher) while they were teaching at the same school. After exchanging notes for a while, his mom decided they should meet. Their first phone call sounded something like this. "Hello. My mom said I should call you."

How cute?!
Dailey 157

Dailey 135

Dailey 162

Dailey 211

Dailey 250

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