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Sunday, August 2


Kam! I've known Kam for a few years now- we both worked on the Stampede (CMR's school newspaper), and it was a blast taking her senior pics! We found some new locations, some places that would be cool locations if we could get in, and took some photos while we were at it.

Kameron 020

Kameron 005

Kameron 032

Kameron 046

Kameron 075

Kameron 098

Kameron 086
This one is my favorite. She looks like a model!
Kameron 118

Kameron 139

Kameron 127

Kameron 164

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Kameron yay! Her eyes are ecstatic and her clothes go so well with the environment, she looks gorgeous! Nice job Halley and Georgia (if you were there) :)!!!