Welcome to our photography blog. This is where we post previews of sessions and random tidbits from my life. Visit for more information. Feel free to leave comments- It's always good to hear from readers, old and new!

Saturday, September 12

Be back soon..

..well I won't- but Georgia will have some new photos to post very soon! It's a bummer not being home for the last of the senior shoots- and so weird too- but I'm looking forward to seeing the awesome photos.

College is awesome, there's really no other way to describe it.

I know that the posts have been lacking of photos, but we'll have some up shortly I promise!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Halley, I have a question for you. I am a CMR mom and I am taking some senior pics for the yearbook. I have been told that they need to be taken indoors to be accepted by the yearbook staff. Is this really true? Thanks a bunch!
