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Tuesday, August 26


Here is yet another fun photo shoot. I would say though that this was by far my most adventurous one. It wasn't so much where we went- but that we got rained on! We spent some of our time waiting out the rain under a bridge! All I know is that I definitely had fun and we got some sweet photos. I hope you enjoy them! Oh and sorry Stacy that I didn't post black and white photos- I know you wanted some :) but don't worry you'll get some. Tires. Yep- I've always wanted to find some for photos and here they were just waiting for us! I couldn't have been more pumped. And since she's on the debate team, it'll be nice to have this "hard core" edge at least in a couple shots.
So Stacy wanted black and white photos (which she'll get on her cd don't worry!), so I decided to try and make some of the photos look old fashioned. I definitely like how this one turned out.

You can see most of her hair here, which I think is so fun! She was explaining how she might donate some of it to locks of love later this year which I think sounds awesome- someone would be lucky go get some of these locks.

This shot was all Stacy's idea- nice work girl! lol

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much Halley! You are an amazing photog. <3