Welcome to our photography blog. This is where we post previews of sessions and random tidbits from my life. Visit for more information. Feel free to leave comments- It's always good to hear from readers, old and new!

Wednesday, August 20

Tessa, Celeste and Arielle

Here are three more awesome ladies! We had to squeeze this shoot in before Arielle leaves for college, so it was an early morning shoot. Okay, so not that early, but 7:30! lol.

And on a more random note, when you google my name- my website comes up third!! I'm so used to having to scroll and scroll and scroll to find it, but now thanks to the many people visiting the site, it shows up! Thanks you guys. :)


Anonymous said...

Love the pics Halley!! Thanks so much for doing them! =]

Cindy Cieluch Photography said...

Tessa rules...and so do these photos. :)