Welcome to our photography blog. This is where we post previews of sessions and random tidbits from my life. Visit for more information. Feel free to leave comments- It's always good to hear from readers, old and new!

Wednesday, December 23

Merry Christmas

Well the cake is not baked. The dog is not walked, a second time at least. The lights have not been strung, and the presents have yet to be wrapped.

OH WELL! We're having way more fun listening to Christmas music, snuggling with Alice, and taking photos anyways.

I hope everyone has a safe and Happy Christmas!

. . . Alice looks like she's asking if we've been naughty or nice. She definitely falls into the naughty list! (good thing she's cute)


Saturday, December 12


Christmas is coming up! I love the feeling in the air during the holidays. Everyone is in a great mood, it's hectic and fun, and nobody is thinking about themselves. Although, I will say I could do without the -26 degree weather. Jumping into Flathead lake sounds a lot better than trudging to my car right now, but hey, what can you do?


Monday, September 28


Meet one of the coolest seniors around! It was a gorgeous day outside. Not too windy, the sun was shining, and it was the perfect temperature. She showed up with a million different outfits, perfect hair, and I knew it was going to be a great shoot! I had so much trouble picking out my favorites.

Katy 391_edited-1

Katy 328_edited-1

Katy 314_edited-1

Katy 277_edited-1

Katy 219_edited-1

Katy 189_edited-1

Katy 172_edited-1

Katy 160_edited-1

Katy 049_edited-1

Katy 026_edited-1

Katy 004_edited-1

Monday, September 21


Hello there again! Sorry there have been so few posts, it has been a very busy time! Halley is off to college and loving it, and I (Georgia Mae) have taken over the business while she is away. I was lucky enough to shoot this cool senior, Stewart. Here are some of my favorite shots!

Stewart R 161

Stewart R 185_edited-1

Stewart R 026_edited-1

Stewart R 042_edited-1

Stewart R 126_edited-1

Stewart R 074_edited-1

Saturday, September 12

Be back soon..

..well I won't- but Georgia will have some new photos to post very soon! It's a bummer not being home for the last of the senior shoots- and so weird too- but I'm looking forward to seeing the awesome photos.

College is awesome, there's really no other way to describe it.

I know that the posts have been lacking of photos, but we'll have some up shortly I promise!

Friday, August 21


Here's a little tour of part of my dorm- I had way too much fun making this! (this was taken with my wee Canon, not my beast, hence the slightly cruddy quality :-)


Tuesday, August 18

It's late

..and I move in tomorrow! How thrilling.

(more pictures next time!)

Tuesday, August 11

Still here!

Phew. I have the rest of today, Wednesday, Thursday and part of Friday to complete the following list:
-clean my room (eh.. it's rather a mess. Clean! but messy)
-get used to my new computer
-finish editing/upload/order the last few photo sessions
-clean my mini-fridge
-pack for vacation
-pack for college (what? already?)
-hang out with all my awesome friends and family and puppy!
-take photos with mom and georgie

.... and there's even more! But it's all so much fun. Don't get me wrong, this is in no way complaining! I'm just saying :-)

In other news, Georgia will be doing more photos in September (any last minute senior photos? She's your gal.) Her number is 868-4070, so just give her a call!

Oh and sorry there isn't a photo with this post. I have more sessions that I'll be posting when I have a second to breath. Who knows, maybe some late night in my dorm room??

Thursday, August 6

Yet another preview!

Here's a peek from today's shoot with Ashley :)

Ashley 159

Monday, August 3

The Dailey Family

This is our third family session that we've done in the past few weeks. I love getting a glimpse of the "dynamic" of each family: the roles that everyone has, and how the family members and siblings get along. Love it! This family was no exception. The two kids- Brooke & Drew- are some of the cutest I've seen, and were so cute. We'd turn around and Brooke would be giving her brother a sweet hug or kiss on the cheek.

Dailey 014

Dailey 010_2

Dailey 017

Dailey 023

Dailey 044
Joan & Scott's story is an awesome one. Joan is a teacher, and she met Scott's mother (who is also a teacher) while they were teaching at the same school. After exchanging notes for a while, his mom decided they should meet. Their first phone call sounded something like this. "Hello. My mom said I should call you."

How cute?!
Dailey 157

Dailey 135

Dailey 162

Dailey 211

Dailey 250

More from the Mercer Family

This was one of the most rib-cracking sessions ever. We've known the Mercers for as long as I can remember, and always have a fun time together; this was no exception. Because John had to be to work, we did all the photos at their house. The pond in the backyard is one of the coolest things I have ever seen- someone should alert Country Living! (I love that magazine btw :)

Mercers 013

Mercers 021

Mercers 043
Another nonsense photo!
Mercers 207 These guys definitely took the jumping photo to a new level..

Mercers 230

Mercers 238

Mercers 156

Mercers 186 The awesome pond!

Mercers 089 When taking this photo, Cat and Tom asked if we could 'photoshop' a big blue butterfly in the net. Of course I couldn't stop with just one, so I added two more!

Mercers 244

Sunday, August 2

Dailey Family- just a peek though!

I love this family.

Dailey 306

Halley and I had a blast with these photogenic kids and family! This is my favorite shot.

dailey gm 155_edited-1

I'll be posting more soon!


Kam! I've known Kam for a few years now- we both worked on the Stampede (CMR's school newspaper), and it was a blast taking her senior pics! We found some new locations, some places that would be cool locations if we could get in, and took some photos while we were at it.

Kameron 020

Kameron 005

Kameron 032

Kameron 046

Kameron 075

Kameron 098

Kameron 086
This one is my favorite. She looks like a model!
Kameron 118

Kameron 139

Kameron 127

Kameron 164